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Germany in the cold war years

shcool 2086

Terentyeva Sonya

Natalia Borodina

Germany in the cold war years

I chose the theme "Germany in the cold war years", because I am interested in this topic of politics and economy, also I wonder how he behaved. In the years of the cold war particularly difficult section of Europe affected the fate of Germany – the line of division passed through the territory of the country. East Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union, the West – the US, Britain and France. In their hands was also the Western part of Berlin. In 1948 West Germany was included in the scope of the Marshall plan, and Eastern no. In different parts of the country formed different economic system that hampered the unification of the country. In June 1948 the Western allies conducted a unilateral currency reform, abolishing money of the old sample. The entire money supply of the old Reichsmarks were poured in East Germany that was part of the reason that the Soviet occupation authorities were forced to close the border. The full environment turned out to be West Berlin. Stalin decided to use the situation to his siege, hoping to capture the whole of the capital of Germany and to win concessions from the United States. But the Americans organized the "air bridge" to Berlin and broke the blockade of the city, which was filmed in 1949. In may 1949 the land, located in the Western zone of occupation, United in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). West Berlin became an Autonomous self-governing city connected with Germany. In October 1949 in the Soviet zone of occupation was created by the German Democratic Republic. Kennedy refused to make concessions, the USSR and the GDR, which led to the Berlin crisis. Khrushchev did not dare to military confrontation. The GDR in August 1961 just surrounded West Berlin with a wall. This wall became a symbol of division of Europe and Germany into two hostile parts, the symbol of the cold war. In the Berlin crisis, neither side has got the obvious advantages, but the conflict did not lead to substantial losses. Both sides were preparing for a new trial of strength.

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