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Project Layout and Plan

At the top:

School Number

Name of Student

Name of teacher

Name of Project (the title of the article)

Year of project completion


The article according to the following plan:

  1. Introduction

Here you explain why you have chosen your topic, what interests you in this particular area, what you expect to discover, how this will benefit you personally

  1. Main part

Here you present the data you have collected, your analysis of the data and your explanations of the data

  1. Conclusion

Here you draw your conclusions about the collected data, summarizing your main findings. Here you also analyze to what extent your study supports or objects to the main purpose of the project ( have you proved what was asked? If not, why did you get a different result? Does it mean that the original statement – the main purpose – is wrong?)

  1. List of reference (what sources you used in your study: books with full names (title, author, publisher, year of publication; sites – name of the site and the full link to it)

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School 2086 Project 2016-2017

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