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How to write your presentation article?

General Requirements

  1. Create a word document, use Times New Roman 12

  2. Give your article a title which reflects your topic

  3. The article should be about one page of text and one picture (on the next page)

  4. Give each section a sub-heading

  5. Do not forget the layout rules of your presentation article

Article Plan and Content

  1. Introduction (No subheading needed)

  • Why did you choose this topic? What interests you in this area? What do you expect to learn and discover? How can this project help you personally?

  1. Main part (every part of this section must have a subheading)

  • A brief description of the country before the war, a brief presentation of the reasons of the war

  • The economic changes after the war which were the result of the war (changes in the control of the economy, employment and unemployment, main industries, GDP, taxes, etc.)

  • The political changes after the war which were the result of the war (new laws and amendments to laws, important political decisions and events)

  • Changes in the social sphere after the war which were the result of the war (social stratification, education, healthcare, family life, attitude to the country, art)

  1. Conclusion

  • Summarize if in general the changes were more positive or negative. How much did the country profit from the war? Is the hypothesis true according to your findings? Why so? Is the hypothesis true in general, in your opinion? What did you learn from your research which you didn’t know before the project? How useful was it for you personally? Did you meet your goals?

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School 2086 Project 2016-2017

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