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Peer Student Assessment

To prepare for the final stage you need to read the other students' works BY 14/12/16 and assess them according to the criteria below.

You grant 1 point for each criterion fulfilled completely.

One work can score maximum 10 points.

  1. Does the work prove or refute the hypothesis and says it clearly? (1 point)

  2. Does the work show originality in the choice of topic and presentation? (1 point)

  3. Did the writer create their own text mostly (no plagiary)? (1 point)

  4. Is the language mostly comprehensible? (1 point)

  5. Did the writer present the project in the required layout? (1 point)

  6. Did the writer follow the article plan in the task? (1 point)

  7. Does the writer answer all the questions set in the task? (1 point)

  8. Did the writer present all the information required? (1point)

  9. Does the work offer anything interesting and new for you personally? (1 point)

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School 2086 Project 2016-2017

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