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Russian Economy after World War II.

I would like to make my project about Russian economy during World War II. I am a citizen of Russia, so I have to know a lot about the history of my country to be the real part of our country. Secondly, we are learning this period on our history lessons, that’s why it would be interesting to study this topic more depth and to find new facts about life during this terrible period. Moreover, this war was not so long ago from nowadays and my grandparents were born in that moment, so they often tell me stories about hard time. This is one more reason of choosing this topic. And I think that this project can help me to understand than there is no problem worse than war.

Before World War II.

There was a big stress all over the world after World War I. Russian empire has been broken and USSR was created instead of it. Every country wanted to rule and to have big territory, these reasons had lead to the beginning of World War II. 62 countries were involved in this war in short period of time. A lot of repressions began after the war in USSR. First of all, they touched those people, who have been in German captivity. Moreover, they were directed against the Baltic peoples and western Ukraine. These people were against the Soviet regime more than others.

Russian economy after the War.

The victory over fascism was very hard for USSR. Military hurricane was ranging over the main part of the most developed areas in Soviet Union for several years. The country has lost about one-third of its national wealth. It had been destroyed, so the recovery could take many years. War brought a lot of human and material losses to USSR. In the transition from war to peace there was a question about the ways of further development of the economy. The strong features of the existing economic model have been revealed during the war. But what was tolerated in peacetime is now required a fundamental changes.

Political changes.

Victory in the war allowed the Soviet Union to extend its borders and strengthen totalitarian regime. Some countries became communist. The effects of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki have forced many countries to sign a pact to ban the use of weapons of mass destruction. This decision was supported by Soviet Union too. Since the beginning of the "cold war" the internal policy of the USSR had been dramatically tightened. Repressions against the enemies of Soviet power were renewed in the second half of the 40-ies. Then, after the death of Stalin, the collective leadership of the country and the party had been created.

Social sphere after the War.

Production increased in the 1950s. This led to a noticeable shortage of labor. So, eight-year educational system was introduced in the country to prevent this problem. Government was trying to solve educational crisis by introducing of a multi-level system of higher education but this had a negative impact on the preparation for the main profile. During the war penicillin tests were conducted which was used to combat septic wounds. The major medical advances in the post-war years included a thorough study of the sanitary conditions and the effective elimination of problems in this area. It was necessary to introduce new methods of financing, to attract private and public structures. Therefore, despite all undertaken enormous scientific and practical work, and the expected changes in terms of health outcomes the government has not achieved their aim.

Finally, I want to say that this war has not brought any benefit to our country, but only devastated and destroyed our country. It took millions of lives and brought misery, hunger and crisis, so I do not think that hypothesis about the benefits of the war is correct. But I discovered a lot of new things about all aspects of life after the war, which showed me how strong our country is, even in such a difficult situation.

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School 2086 Project 2016-2017

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