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Cold War

The economy of war, “Cold War" and it’s economic influences

(The topic I have chosen for the following project is-*drum roll*-“economy of war.” ~Gasp, it says so at the title. For as the question “why”, it’s legitimately because I found it a much more easier topic than the other one. Of course if I actually bothered, I would’ve tried to make up some cheesy reason like “oh you know i just find it so interesting because etc etc etc”, but honesty is the best policy. By the way, I don’t exactly know much about what I’m about to write down, so I’m totally reciting Wikipedia. Just so you know beforehand and not accuse me of cheating or whatever.) The “Cold War” is the so-called state of aggressive political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc and powers in the Eastern Bloc that lasted from 1947 - 1991. Before Cold War, both USA and USSR were just recovering from WW2. The Cold War itself accured because of the following : Soviet troops were illegally placed on the territory of Afghanistan, which invoked a wave of disapproval from NATO and (,more specifically,)USA. After USSR refused to follow USA’s commands on soviet troops retreating beck into their own territory, certain sanctions were put on it as the result in the following - it was almost completely cut off from the West, was forbidden to get any financial/any other kind of support, had it’s political connections cut off, and so, the political war turned into an economic one. The economic war along with the already put sanctions clearly very much slowed down most of USSR's manufacture, as it simply did’t have enough money to support itself and keep developing it’s economy. However, some of the following factors actually managed to make a positive effect on Russia’s economy in contrast to the negative ones. After some attempts at(unsuccessful) military action, the SU discovered that it’s army is remarkably unadapted to fight in such warm weather - the uniform appeared to be too hot, the weapons would get overheated and would not work, sometimes even melt - which led to a decision from SU to make an immediate total USSR army rearmament, and that conveniently in it’s turn heavily influenced SU’s inside economy. Thanks to it many new branches appeared inside; mechanical engineering made great progress; the oil industry made a conversion; many new gas and chemistry factories started to appear across the country. Military action wasn't the only factor to influence USSR's economy though, as the construction and building made rapid progress in USSR due to the appearance of 1980’s Olympics, and since the US blocked SU from any support(letting other countries provide it with materials and etc), SU made great progress developing the materials it needed themselves. At an accelerated rate many new oilfields were discovered, from which the oil was sold in the global market for a very worthwhile price. Despite being mostly cut off from NATO, USSR continued the goods and services trade with India, as well as making new connections with Asian countries( East Korea and so on). So, initially having a negative effect on USSR, the Cold War brought along with itself positive influences also. The Cold War was considered to be officially over after the dissolution of USSR.

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