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The war actions in the east of Ukraine

There are no doubts that a war is something that you or I would like never to go through. Everyone would like to leave in peace and not even to know about the existence of the word “war”. However, the reality is far from that. I have always asked myself why people start wars, because they bring nothing but pain, loss and despair. To prove my point of view I would like to take a closer look at this terrible phenomenon and to prove my thoughts in practice. In this article, I am going to analyze the war actions in the east of Ukraine and their positive and negative impact on all spheres of life. The events that took place in 2013-2014 changed the national economic situation.

Ukraine before the conflict and now

To begin with the situation in the country before the war conflict is to be analyzed. At the end of 2012 the Ukrainian economy showed a certain degradation. The economy shrank 1,3% in comparison with the previous year. Ukraine did not achieve progress in reforms and had limited success in all projects.

Now in 2016 we can see how this war conflict has influenced Ukraine. The first and the most important loss is human lives. As of February 15th 2016, 9167 people were killed and more than 21 thousand were injured in the East of Ukraine (including civilians, the Armed forces of Ukraine’s and the armed units’ members). More than 1,8 mln of citizens have left their home and this process continues even now.


Nowadays it is impossible to determine the economic damage of the war actions in the East of the country. The prime minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yantsenyuk said that it would take billions of dollars and many years for the reconstruction of Donbass region and others. Historically close trade and economic relations have been built between Ukraine and Russia. Because of war actions both trade spheres have a negative impact. The conflict in the East of Ukraine closed the Russian market.

Economic and international relations, transport and logistic routes that have lasted and functioned for many years, are being destroyed now, credit ratings of private companies are being cut down. A total amount of loss in Ukraine is over 1 trillion. The seriousness of situation underlines not only a serious political and military crisis in Ukraine but also raises other important issues, such as ivestments as a main factor of the economics.

All factors that create the investment, like war, economics and politics are closely connected and a political imbalance, war conflicts, determine the risk of investment: the higher it is, the less investments a country gets. The analysis of the investment of Ukraine shows a negative influence of war actions. Some people think that a war is an impulse for the economy but it is not true. The war decreases the resources of the society.

The majority of Ukrainians consider themselves poor, do not feel confidence in the future, do not trust government and critically graduate a possible general mobilization. At the same time, they want live in peace and have a better life.


Also during the war it was introduced and edited laws. For example:

1) The law freed from criminal responsibility of all those who took part in protests from November 21 to December 26, 2013.

2) Fascism and its propaganda is punishable by a fine of 500 to 1000 untaxed minimum incomes, or restraint of liberty for up to 2 years.


Taking into discussion all above mentioned you ask yourself if there is a real reason for a war, if there is something that is more precious than a human life. We can see that by its economic development Ukraine has returned back to 1990’s and according to analysts the Ukrainians will feel real improvement not earlier than in 20 years. A normal, intelligent person will never use weapons against other people and will never take part in war.


1. Полунєєв Ю. Десять шоків України. Частина перша / Ю. Полунєєв // Економічна правда, 2014.

2. Хайзмет Х.-Ю. Длительная политическая нестабильность вредна для политического и экономического развития Украины / Х.-Ю. Хайзмет // Кієвській тєлєграфЬ, 2014.…/pdf_interview_kt.pdf



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